Where Do You Ship From, And What Is The Estimated Shipping Time?

We ship our products from Vietnam, and the estimated shipping time is 10-13 days.

How Long Does Order Processing Take?

Order processing typically takes 3 days before shipping.

What Shipping Service Do You Use For Domestic Deliveries Within The United States?

We use the USPS (United States Postal Service) for domestic deliveries within the United States and offer international shipping to countries worldwide. The price for international shipments is determined based on the weight and dimensions of the products being shipped.

Can I Choose Expedited Shipping? If Yes, How Long Does It Take, And What Is The Additional Cost?

Yes, we offer expedited shipping, which takes 3-5 days at an additional $5 per order.

Is Free Shipping Available?

Yes, orders with a total value of $50 or more are eligible for free shipping.

How Can I Track My Order?

We provide a tracking number for each order. You can use this tracking number to monitor your package's progress and delivery status.

How to contact us

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding shipping and delivery, please contact our customer support team via the following email. We are always here to assist you.


For further contact information, you can check out our Contact page

Please note that shipping times are estimates and may be subject to customs procedures and unforeseen delays during transit. In addition, ensure that you provide us with the correct and accurate shipping address, including any necessary details, to ensure smooth delivery of your goods. It is also essential to provide a valid contact number and email address for shipping-related communication. Once your package is delivered, kindly confirm its receipt promptly. Note that we cannot be held responsible for delays or issues caused by incorrect addresses.